Braces Myths & Facts

Many people have formed opinions about orthodontists based on myths. This page is designed to distinguish between the myths and the facts.


Orthodontists are only required for orthodontic cases of complex nature.


Orthodontists are appropriate doctors to treat both simple and complex cases. They are educated to recognize the differences in various cases and the type of treatment required. With their expertise and experience, they know how to handle every situation, no matter how challenging.


My general dentist claims that he can easily straighten out and align my teeth as easily as an orthodontist.


An orthodontist receives specialized training and education in straightening teeth due to the fact that an orthodontist has more than two to three years of additional education after graduating from dental school than a general dentist.

Orthodontists get advanced academic education from accredited residency program for orthodontics. Orthodontics is a specialized field of dentistry and it deals with problems such as straightening teeth and jaw alignment. Your family dentist may see a couple of cases related to the straightening of teeth whereas an orthodontist specifically offers treatments for straightening teeth and sees hundreds of such patients annually.

Orthodontists are aware of all the latest technologies related to their field which ensures that the patients get the best treatment possible. They have full knowledge of all the orthodontic appliances such as clear aligners, braces, retainers, etc. Orthodontists increase their knowledge and expertise by constantly learning and acquiring knowledge related to the latest orthodontic practices and technologies.


Only kids can wear braces.


This is a misconception based on the idea that once you reach adulthood, you cannot get orthodontic treatment such as straightening your teeth. Untrue! Approximately one in every five orthodontic patients is an adult. Adult patients seek treatment for a variety of reasons. Read more here.


If a giant magnet is brought overhead, it will attract anyone who is wearing braces towards itself and the person will fly right out of his chair and get stuck to the magnet on the ceiling.


Interesting premise, but not likely! The braces these days are made of materials which are non-magnetic in nature.


Braces are extremely painful and the treatment period is many years.


People easily get used to braces once the adjustment period is over and find them quite comfortable. Regarding how long you have to wear braces, the treatment period varies from person to person. Some people may be required to wear braces for just a few months.


You can download songs onto your iPod, iPad, or smartphone by connecting to the Internet using the signals from your braces.