We are pleased to offer virtual treatment to our patients via text and video meeting. Please text (1) the patient’s name and (2) the requested photographs and (3) any specific concerns about your treatment to our office phone numbers: 845-471-1186 or 845-897-5500. Dr. Rosenbloom can then review prior and will get back in touch with you to make recommendations via text and/or via video conference as needed. After, we will contact you to scheedule a follow up appointment as needed.
How it Works:
1. Ask someone to help you replicate the photos below using a digital camera or smartphone.
2. Text all 5 of your photos (all 7, including two additional left/right views if you’re wearing elastic bands), including patient name, to 845-471-1186 or 845-897-5500.
3. [drlastname] will review your photos prior to your virtual appointment.
How to Photograph Your Smile
Photos should be taken in a seated position, in a room with good lighting. For best results, have someone else take the photos, as they can be difficult to take on your own. Some patients have found it useful to use spoons to help retract the cheeks and lips for these pictures in addition to using your fingers as shown.
Please contact our office if you have any questions about taking these photos.
Right Bite
Bite down on your regular bite with back teeth touching. Pull back your right cheek as far as you can. Snap picture looking directly at the right side of your mouth. NOTE: If you are wearing any elastic bands, pleas send 2 of this view- one with the elastic out and one with you wearing them in place.
Center Smile
Bite down on your regular bite with back teeth touching and show us your biggest smile ever, showing as much of your teeth as possible. Although not shown here, please use spoons or 2 fingers held apart, up and down on both the left and right to hold back the cheeks. Snap picture looking straight at your smile.
Left Bite
Bite down on your regular bite with back teeth touching. Pull back your left cheek as far as you can with spoons or fingers. Snap picture looking directly at the left side of your mouth. NOTE: If you are wearing any elastic bands, pleas send 2 of this view- one with the elastic out and one with you wearing them in place.
Upper Arch
Tilt your head back and take a photo. Try to get your full arch. Face a window for the best lighting or use a flashlight to brighten the palate. Although not shown here, please use spoons or 2 fingers held apart towards the front and back, on both the left and right to hold back the cheeks and upper lip.
Lower Arch
Tilt your chin down and take a photo. Try to get your full arch. Face a window for the best lighting or use a flashlight to brighten the tongue and back teeth. Although not shown here, please use spoons or 2 fingers held apart towards the front and back, on both the left and right to hold back the cheeks and lower lip.